
News :

2016-07-01 New Version COSMOS PRO 6.0 available
2011-04-11 COSMOS will be integrated into the CCPN (The Collaborative Computing Project for NMR) software platform: (www.ccpn.ac.uk/ccpn) more...
2011-04-11 COSMOS predicts a refolding of a peptide when it contact with membranes (wwww.springelink.com) more...
2010-08-20 Two lectures on COSMOS structure calculations were presented on the ICMRBS, Cairns (Australia) more...
2010-07-04 Poster presentation on the EUROMAR 2010, Florence (Italia) more...
2010-03-10 Lecture of COSMOS MD on the PepCon 2010, Beijing (China) more...
2010-02-23 COSMOS on the conference of "Advances in Biomedical Research", Cambridge, (UK) more...
2009-11-14 COSMOS on the Supercomputing Conference SC09, Portland, (USA) more...
2008-09-14 COSMOS on the congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistts (WATOC), Sydney (Australia)
- Poster with COSMOS caculations wins award on the congress of the World Association of Theortical Chemists more.....
2008-04-06 COSMOS on the Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New Orleans (USA)
- Invited lecture on Cellulose structure calculations using NMR constrains with COSMOS. more...
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